An aligned skeletal system
Physio-Dynamics is a scientific process of aligning the mind and body correctly.

Metatarsals (toes cuppings) With an Assistance helping! Come up slowly, keep back spine, knees straight, hands interlaced behind the neck, elbows straight back, no hunched over as you come up slowly with every thing straight!

Wide Hips Corrections
Sit straight facing the wall, take one leg backward as far as you can, bend the knee, then raise the knee as high as you can 10 X times slowly, listen, feel. Afterwards, stretch the leg/extend and move it back to the origin position. Repeat to the other leg.

Salute to the Sun
Lie on back, asst. with both arms lift the buttocks, back/spine overhead, both feet stretch/knees straight leaning on the floor, both arms/elbows stretch/extended straight. Again listen/feel!!! Breathe slowly.

Split-L postural alignment
Against the Wall, Both legs spread apart, as wide as you can, upper back, keep it straight/lean forward, You do it slowly with feel it/listen/stretch total body, legs, back, arms, and neck.

Accordion Strech
Lie on back, bend both knees, as wide as you can, bend both elbows, as wide as you can, lift the body as high as you can, pinched the shoulder/buttocks tight. Open the spine, close the spine like an accordion!!! Slowly stretch, feel,listen, from within have the mind/body communicate with each other!!!!

Total postural re-alignment
Re-enforcement of the neck,both hands (leaning to the wall, fingers facing each other, shoulders height) shoulders pinched, hips back, tail under, buttocks tight, knees/ankles/toes touching each other. 10 X (times, slowly pull the triceps into the body after bending the elbows to push away from the wall. (Benders joints are the elbows/ankles) Shoulder Blades are always pinched!!!!!